Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dean Ruck and Dan Havel: Day #2

Yesterday Dean and Dan delivered their assemblage for the new Houston Permitting Center and the sum of its parts covered almost the entire floor space of the Green Building Resource Center. Today, they began to reassemble the pieces on the wall itself.
Here's the first segment of Dean and Dan's work going up. Lots of effort being made to secure each piece. It will not tumble from this wall, even though it appears to be exploding out from it.
There is plenty of beauty in the details. I imagine that folks will look at this piece for great lengths of times. There is just so much to see. Unbelievably intricate. I can see already that the art will make this building sing. I have no doubts.
I asked Laurie Perez to come and photograph the process. We have too little documentation of all the artists' projects, but we will get plenty of installation photos.
There is so much beauty in the details. What is not to love here? for instance, this embellished torpedo/watermelon like object. And I like the blue masking tape with numbers delineating where all of these individual segments will go. There are endless things to explore in this work.
We left at 3:00 this afternoon. Can hardly wait until tomorrow.


  1. Wow, that is so incredible. What an amazing building it will be.

  2. fabulous! I can hardly wait to see the completed piece!!!
