In any case, lots of art installing today, and tomorrow too.
This morning Geoff Winningham beat me to the site. I wasn't late. He was early. I'd also stopped by Studio Red for a bag of hard hats for artists to wear while they install. Thanks, Chelsea for leaving them by the front reception desk.

Geoff has three pieces in the building, each a photograph of Buffalo Bayou printed on aluminum. They are beautifully processed and the images change as you move toward them for a close up look or stand back to see the entire image. We hung a photo mural in the basement reception area first. I noticed that a lighting fixture has been installed above the inset, but it wasn't on, so the area is still dark and the image doesn't show well. We need the light on.

We moved up to level 4 to hang the second mural which is a beautiful image of two folks fishing along Buffalo Bayou. The main UH Downtown building is reflected in the rippling water. It's a perfectly beautiful subtle image.

Geoff's third piece is a triptych - a soft image of trees along the bayou, misty, quiet and perfect for the space we chose in the staircase of the Green Building Resource Center.

The staircase has two large windows that look out over downtown Houston and Geoff's piece almost looks like a third window. By the way, the staircase is great looking.

We are covering all the artwork with plastic until the move-in is complete, so none should get bumped, scrapped or too dusty. I noticed that there is a cleaning crew up on level four dusting the sprinkling system pipes, washing the windows, retouching walls. The installation of many, many cubicles on level 4 appears to be complete and the workers have moved down to level 3 and are assembling hundreds more. At least it seems like hundreds. I am told that 700 people will work in this building, though over a hundred will be in the field most the day inspecting. Still, there will be a lot of employees in this one space.
I have to say, it's been fun preparing for the folks who will work in this facility. In a way, my job has been like getting ready for a party. Hoping you've got things people will like or at least talk about or be surprised by. I continue to say that there will be no other public building like this one in all of Houston or perhaps the country.
Houston bought an 80+ year old building that was the first Houston Infirmary and then a rice warehouse and now a sustainable, green building for city employees. Just the fact that the city bought an old structure, saw the possibilities of building green and over time, saving tax dollars by doing so, is a story. The building 'walks the walk', so to speak.

Bob Card and his assistant Daniel Adame finished installing the first of my walls today. The piece is a bar code that reads GREEN if you can read bar code.

Bob used salvaged and recycled woods for the bar code and on the side of each piece, he labelled the type of wood and from where it came. The piece is elegant and spare and I like it in the lobby where the building's admin offices will be.

Back in the lobby all the benches in the waiting areas are being installed. And Metalab Studio's piece is taking shape near the north entrance. Finally sheet rocked so their glass installer can add in the sheet of glass upon which images will be projected. The images will come from a series of CO2 monitors. The monitors will be installed along the lobby columns. Breathe into them and see the effect of your very own CO2 on the big screen.

It's our hope that folks entering the lobby will have a good time with this piece, once they understand that they can affect the light patterns on the glass.

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